Andrea: GREAT NEWS!!!!


Friday, December 21, 2007


I just got off of the phone with Mom. Yesterday she had a PET Scan and there was NO sign of the Lymphoma. Wahoo!!!! She got the info from her P.A. and so she hasn't yet visited with her Doctors. Yesterday they said that if she was Cancer free they might harvest Stem Cells before the last course of Chemo. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and fasting. I know it's made a difference.

Way to go Mom we love you!




  • At December 25, 2007 1:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Forsyth Family , I'm so happy to hear about your Mom and I want her to know that God is really good at healing people when their so very sick and he's there for you and this sweet family you have who is very loving and caring . MAY GOD WATCH OVER YOU ALL ! HE LOVES YOU ALL SO DEARLY AND SWEETLY I FEEL THAT SAME WAY ABOUT YOU ALL ! Talk to you soon . Amy


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